We like our breads in every size, shape and form! Over time, they have become an essential part of our diet and the idea of not being able to have it appears to be absolutely terrifying. But what if there is no such fear? What if you never run out of bread because if the grocery store is left with none, then maybe you yourself can make it and have fun! And anyway, freshly baked and homemade breads are far more superior and nobody, we believe, can ever think otherwise. So APCA brings you All About Bread, an online course where widely acclaimed and highly honored Chef Angelo Van Toorn will walk you through the entire process of bread making, covering all the relevant aspects and teaching you a few techniques so that the outcome turns out to be as satisfactory as the process itself!
You will be provided all the videos where the chef will explain everything to right from the start to the end. You will be covering twenty three recipes (yes, you heard us), within the duration of three hours and fifty minutes, not that long, is it? Just imagine becoming an expert bread maker in such a short period of time. We have designed this online course in such a way that you can cover it without compromising your set daily routine. So join APCA’s All About Bread and learn to bake and make bread right from the scratch and from the comfort of your home!
Some more Bread Talk since it’s never enough
In APCA’s All About Bread Online Program, you will get acquainted with the theory of pre ferment, whole grain, sourdough culture and more than a dozen flavorful bread recipes including
There are two many recipes to mention here! So go ahead, check out the website, and get in touch with us if you are seeking creative stimulation, good company, better mentor, and a certificate that would possibly push you towards the right direction!APCA’s All About Bread is an online program that is for all the low-key and high-key bread enthusiasts who would like to have an experience of a lifetime!